Welcome to None-So-Hardy


In None-So-Hardy Nurseries we take the long view

grow quality forests


Please select from Conifers listed below (All prices quoted are exclusive of VAT @ 13.5%):

Abies Nobilis – Noble Fir

Noble Fir has soft blue-green needles on evenly spaced strong branches. They keep really well and have a very pleasant mild fir scent.
Are best grown on dry well drained ground.

  • Size: 2 + 1
    • Price: €650.00 per 1000

Abies Nordmanniana – Nordmann Fir

Nordmann Fir is one of the species grown for Christmas trees, being favoured for its attractive foliage, with needles that are not sharp, and do not drop readily when the trees dries out. It is more tolerant of damp conditions than Noble fir.

  • Size: 2 + 1
  • Price: €705.00 per 1000

Picea Abies – Norway Spruce

Norway Spruce is an evergreen coniferous tree widely grown for use as Christmas trees. It has curved branches; its needles are 15-25cm long. Also used widespread in forestry in the midlands due to its high level of frost tolerance.

  • Size: 2+1, 2+2
  • Price: €452.00 per 1000

Picea Sitchensis – Sitka Spruce QCI (Improved Sitka)

Sitka Spruce QCI (Improved Sitka) is an evergreen coniferous tree widely used for commercial Forestry in Ireland. Large tree which grows 50-70m tall. Will grow in variety of conditions. Best suited to moist mineral sites. QCI is more frost tolerant than Washington Sitka and is therefore more widely planted throughout Ireland.

  • Size: 2+1, 2+2
  • Price: €408.00 per 1000

Pinus Contorta – Lodgepole Pine NC

Lodgepole Pine NC is the less vigorous north coastal pine. It is planted as a nurse with Sitka spruce on poorer sites. Lodgepole pine is a popular Christmas tree species.

  • Size: 1 u 1
  • Price: €375.00 per 1000

Pinus Sylvestris – Scots Pine

Scots Pine is a common native tree and widely planted around the country. Mature trees are domed and often have bare lower branches. It has blue-green needles that are paired.

  • Size: 2+1
  • Price: €419.00 per 1000

Pseudotsuga Taxifolia – Douglas Fir

Douglas Fir is a large evergreen tree that has whorls of branches. Needles are soft, dark green and pointed.

  • Size: 2+1
  • Price: €475.00 per 1000