ACRES Scheme

Welcome to None-So-Hardy

ACRES & NTA Schemes

In None-So-Hardy Nurseries we take the long view

grow quality forests



ACRES is Ireland’s new agri-environment climate scheme under Ireland’s CAP Strategic Plan. Here at None-So-Hardy we can fulfil all of your ACRES Scheme requirements, we have available a large supply of Native Broadleaves & Hedging plus the necessary Tree Shelters and Stakes

Planting a New Hedgerow to be completed before 31 March 2025

Objectives: This measure aims to enhance the visual appearance of the countryside, support biodiversity on farms and protect water quality.


  1. Plant the contracted length of the new hedgerow by 31 March 2025. To be eligible for this action the minimum continuous length to be delivered is 10m. The maximum length for payment is 750m.
  2. The location and length must be identified on the LPIS parcels and marked on the map submitted. The new hedge must not be placed against an existing hedgerow or stone wall or under the shade of a treeline/woodland.
  3. The new hedge must consist of at least 5 plants per metre in a double staggered row with a mix of at least 3 species from the Hedgerow species (Table 1 below). No one species must make up more than 85% of the total.
  4. Plants must be of Irish Origin or Irish Provenance and purchased from DAFM registered professional operators.
  5. All plants purchased for this action must have an accompanying plant passport and participants must ensure that they retain the plant passport(s) for the duration of the contract.
  6. All newly planted hedgerows in a grass or tillage field must be protected from livestock with an appropriate permanent fence. This fence may need to be moved out further as the hedgerow grows and expands.
  7. Grass and other competing vegetation must be controlled around the plants annually to aid establishment.
  8. Failed or dead plants must be replaced in the following planting season.


Tree Planting to be completed before 31 March 2025

Objective: To encourage the planting of trees on farms where they will have multiple benefits while offering flexible planting options to suit the holding.


  1. Planting of trees must be completed by 31 March 2025.
  2. Select the LPIS parcel(s) for the tree planting action by drawing one point on the map. Then enter the number of trees that will be planted on the chosen parcel(s) in the quantity box provided.
  3. The minimum number of trees to be delivered is 100 where this action is taken as a priority action and 10 where it is taken as a general action. The maximum number that can be delivered is 300 trees.
  4. Do not plant in the vicinity of overhead wires, within 20m railway lines and within 60m of a neighbouring dwelling house. See Table 2. for clearance distance for overhead lines.
  5. Plants must be of Irish Origin or Irish Provenance and purchased from DAFM registered professional operators.
  6. All trees purchased for this action must have an accompanying plant passport and participants must ensure that they retain the plant passport(s) for the duration of the contract.
  7. Purchased trees must be a minimum of 60cm in height.
  8. Plant at least 3 native tree species from Table 1. below, of which not more than 25 per cent of trees planted to be Scots pine.
  9. Maintain at least 4 metre spacing between each tree.
  10. Fit each tree (except Scots Pine) with a staked tree shelter, minimum 75cm in height and fence trees off with appropriate fencing.
  11. If using individual barbed protectors for parkland or rows, the staked tree shelter and fencing is not required.
  12. Grass and competing vegetation must be controlled around the trees annually. It will be necessary, from time to time, to lift the tree shelter and remove any weeds/grass that may be growing within the shelter.
  13. Failed or dead trees must be replaced during the next dormant season.


Table 1.  Hedgerow species for planting

Blackthorn (Prunus spinosa)

Dog Rose (Rosa canina)

Guelder Rose (Viburnum opulus)

Hawthorn/Whitethorn (Crataegus monogyna)

Hazel (Corylus avellana)

Holly (Ilex aquifolium)

Spindle (Euonymous europaeus)

Alder Buckthorn (Frangula alnus)


Table 2.  Tree Species (0.6 - 0.9 metres high)

Bird Cherry (Prunus padus)

Crab   Apple   (Malus   sylvestris)   If   possible, Mc Griggors (Crab)  Cavan  Sweet  (Crab)  Lough  Key (Crab)

Goat Willow (Salix caprea)

Grey Willow (Salix cinerea)

Rowan (Sorbus aucuparia)

Wild Cherry (Prunus avium)

Hawthorn/Whitethorn (Crataegus monogyna)

Irish Whitebeam (Sorbis Hibernia)

Sessile oak (Quercus petraea)

Pedunculate oak (Quercus robur)


More information on the ACRES Scheme can be found on the Department of Agriculture website by clicking the below link:





The Native Tree Area (NTA) Scheme supports the creation of small native forests on farmed land. The scheme is open to both farmers and non-farmers. Two scenarios can be considered:

  • NTA 1 - Creation of small native forests
    Supports the establishment of new native forests on farmed land. The tree planting area must be between 0.1 and 1.0 hectare. The area may consist of multiple smaller blocks (such as the corners of fields) provided these smaller blocks are not less than 0.1 hectare. All parcels must be 20 metres or greater in width, measured tree-to-tree. In certain situations, 10% of a proposed area can be less than 20 metres in width to a minimum of 10m in width.


  • NTA 2 - Creation of small native forests for water protection 
    Supports the establishment of new native forests alongside streams, rivers and lakes protecting and enhancing water quality and aquatic habitats. Through the creation of such corridors, existing native forests can be reconnected thereby addressing the negative effects of fragmentation. The tree planting area must be between 0.1 and 1.0 hectare. Maximum width is 20 metres, measured tree-to-tree (or 25 metres when open spaces are included).

NTA 1 and NTA 2 can be combined, where appropriate, per farm holding up to the maximum limits allowed.


More information on the NTA Scheme can be found on the Department of Agriculture website by clicking the below link: